Hi again. :) I've been really bored lately with like nothing to do, so I've decided to update my blog with a new promised post on... Lena! Her Japanese name is actually Rena, but I'll leave at that. First of all, her background.

(Taken from Fire Emblem Wiki: Lena)
Lena first appeared in Chapter 3 of Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi as a Medonian Priestess. At some point earlier, she was forced into a marriage with Prince Michalis, but managed to run away. However, she was captured by the Devil Mountain Bandits.

It was later on that she was rescued by the thief Julian, who betrayed the Devil Bandits for Lena's sake. As time goes by, she and Julian go closer towards each other and even fell in love at a certain point. She comes to join Marth in Book 1 (of Monsho no Nazo, a remake of first game) because she seeks to possess the Warp Staff. She was also training another character, Mallesia. After the events of Book 1 ended, Lena moved to Macedonia, where she set up a monastery for orphans.

In Book 2 (of Monsho no Nazo, as a sequel), she was abducted by Gharnef and was forced to use her power to resurrect Medeus (the Dark Dragon), until she was again rescued by Julian. After Book 2, Lena, Julian, Minerva, and Maria work in the orphanage helping the children who lost their parents during the war.

P.S. (Now, FE3's Book 1 & FE11 is actually a remake of FE1 and FE3's Book 2 is a sequel to FE1.)

Now, for her stat info. Lena can be either good or bad, depending on how lucky you are. She is considered to have started a a recurring character archetype, namely a low-level Priest or or usually Cleric who joins early in the game and must be recruited. In FE11, because of its special Class Change function, her class can be changed to a Paladin, Pegasus/Falco Knight, Dracoknight, Archer/Sniper, Myrmidon/Swordmaster or a Mage/Sage.

Her are her growth rates:

In FE1

  • HP: 0%
  • Strength: 0%
  • Skill: 0%
  • Weapon Level: 30%
  • Speed: 20%
  • Luck: 40%
  • Defense: 0%
  • Resistance: 0%
(Hmm... not very good, I see)

In FE3 Book 1
  • HP: 10%
  • Strength: 20%
  • Skill: 40%
  • Speed: 20%
  • Luck: 70%
  • Weapon Level: 40%
  • Defense: 10%
  • Resistance: 3%
(Slightly better, but still weak)

In FE3 Book 2
  • HP: 10%
  • Strength: 10%
  • Skill: 10%
  • Speed: 20%
  • Luck: 40%
  • Weapon Level: 30%
  • Defense: 10%
  • Resistance: 3%
(Weaker in Book 2 because Medeus sapped her of most of her power in Book 2)

In FE11 (When she's a Cleric. To see her other class growths, go to SerenesForest)
  • HP: 15%
  • Strength: 0%
  • Magic: 25% (35% when she promotes to Bishop)
  • Skill: 25%(30% when she promotes to Bishop)
  • Speed: 20%
  • Luck: 60%
  • Defense: 0%
  • Resistance: 50%(40% when she promotes to Bishop)
Right. That's about it. To see her promotion gains, go to SerenesForest>FE3>Promotion Gains or SerenesForest>FE11>Promotion Gains.

Some pictures of her:

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